Gerrit Walter Gong
Information regarding Elder Gerrit W. Gong
- Apostle number: 109
- Quorum of the Twelve number: 101
- Date of birth: December 23, 1953
- Place of birth: Redwood City, California
- Date of apostolic ordination: April 5, 2018
- Age when ordained apostle: 64 years 3 months
- End of apostolic service: currently serving
- Total apostolic years: currently serving
- Date called into the Quorum of the Twelve: March 31, 2018
- Tenure in the Quorum of the Twelve: currently serving
- Date of death: currently serving
- Age at death: currently serving
- Place of death: currently serving
- Remarks: Elder Gong is of Asian descent, and the first Asian American apostle.
- Inspirational quote: “Jesus Christ teaches the two great commandments are to love God and to love one another. Greater understanding of one another helps us love one another. May we learn to share and understand openly and accurately, so we can meet with extended hands of respect and goodwill, not clenched fists of ignorance or antagonism.”
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