Charles William Penrose
Information regarding Elder Charles W. Penrose
- Apostle number: 51
- Quorum of the Twelve number: 44
- Date of birth: February 4, 1832
- Place of birth: London, England
- Date of apostolic ordination: July 7, 1904
- Age when ordained apostle: 72 years 5 months
- End of apostolic service: May 16, 1925
- Total apostolic years: 20 years 10 months
- Date called into the Quorum of the Twelve: July 7, 1904
- Tenure in the Quorum of the Twelve: 7 years 5 months
- Date of death: May 16, 1925
- Age at death: 93 years 3 months
- Place of death: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah
- Remarks: Prior to his calling as an apostle, Elder Penrose was a professor of theology at Brigham Young Academy. He served in the First Presidency under Presidents Joseph F. Smith and Heber J. Grant. He wrote several sets of missionary tracts, including “Rays of Living Light”.
- Famous quote: “As there is but one Supreme God, there can be but one true religion. That religion must be of divine origin. It must come from God to man. Religions invented by men would necessarily vary. Man cannot by his own searching find out God, or the ways of God, but Deity can enlighten man and reveal himself and his will to mortals. The infinite can condescend to the finite, while the finite of itself cannot grasp or comprehend the infinite. It is of utmost importance that mankind should learn what God requires, in order that men and women may be fitted for his presence and be in harmony with him in time and in eternity. The true religion, therefore, that which God reveals, that which he has revealed, and that which he may yet reveal, should be considered of greater value than anything else. Nothing that is perishable can be compared with it. That which endures forever is immeasurably above that which only lasts for a time. He that gains this ‘pearl of great price’ is rich above all computation…”
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