Charles Albert Callis
Information regarding Charles A. Callis
- Apostle number: 63
- Quorum of the Twelve number: 56
- Date of birth: May 4, 1865
- Place of birth: Dublin, Ireland
- Date of apostolic ordination: October 12, 1933
- Age when ordained apostle: 68 years 5 months
- End of apostolic service: January 21, 1947
- Total apostolic years: 13 years 3 months
- Date called into the Quorum of the Twelve: October 12, 1933
- Tenure in the Quorum of the Twelve: 13 years 3 months
- Date of death: January 21, 1947
- Age at death: 81 years 8 months
- Place of death: Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida
- Remarks: He and three siblings and his widowed mother were converted by missionaries in Dublin, Ireland. He served many years in the southern States in various capacities.
- Inspirational quote: “From my earliest recollections to the present time, I have always had an abiding and intense love for my Savior, Jesus Christ. I cannot read the story of His sufferings and crucifixion without shedding tears.”
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