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apostlcc (birthday facts of early apostles ** )


 Interesting birthday facts of ‘not-so-recent’ apostles

1. President Brigham Young and Elder Heber C. Kimball were born just 13 days apart, with President Young being born on 01 June 1801 in Whitingham, Vermont and Elder Kimball being born on 14 June 1801 in Sheldon, Vermont. Whitingham and Sheldon are just 211 miles apart.

2. Elders Thomas B. Marsh and David W. Patten were born just 13 days apart as well. Elder Marsh was born on 01 November 1799 in Acton, Massachusetts and Elder Patten was born on 14 Nov 1799 in Theresa, New York.

3. President Joseph Smith and Elder Gerrit W. Gong share the same birthday, December 23rd.  Joseph was born in 1805 and Elder Gong in 1953.

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