President Jean B. Bingham, General Relief Society President, and her husband Bruce
Tuesday devotional, January 8, 2019
Tuesday devotional, President Jean B. Bingham, General Relief Society President, and her husband Bruce Bingham
Brother BIngham
- Let me tell you about missionaries who changed my life for eternity. My mother was impressed by a couple in post-war Germany. She found out they were LDS. She never forgot them. Message — you will be watched every second of your missions! 1 Timothy 4:6. Years later, his mother decided that the family should stop in Nauvoo, Illinois to find out more about the LDS church, primarily because of the positive influence of the couple she met in Germany. A senior couple greatly influenced the family. Missionaries were invited to the home, and the entire family eventually joined the church. “I will forever be grateful for these faithful missionaries through the years.”
- Be bold, say what needs to be said. Be bold as a lion (found in Proverbs).
- Serve others. My parents were willing to give up everything for the Gospel, even the possibility of being ostracized by their families.
- The real test of conversion for your future converts will be in the lives of their grandchildren, eventually going to the temple.
Sister Bingham
- Your spirit is palpable. Think about all the choices you have made to get to this point in your lives. I want to talk about agency.
- Feel the joy of giving. Think of the gift that Heavenly Father gave to us in sending our Savior Jesus Christ to atone for us.
- Agency is also a great gift. We can choose righteously. How did Cain and Abel us agency? Laman, Lemuel, Nephi? King David and King Benjamin? Parley P. Pratt? Queen Esther and Elizabeth?
- Because of the example of Elizabeth McCune at the turn of the century, the brethren decided that women could make a profound difference in the mission field, and sister missionaries were first called in 1898.
- What kind of choices are you making? Good, better, best?
- Victor Frankl, Man’s Search for Happiness. He CHOSE to look for good and light in a concentration camp rather than to dwell on the ugly and awful and evil.
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