Numbers of apostles ordained to the apostleship by Presidents of the Church
Following is a listing of the presidents of the Church and the number and names of apostles that they actually ordained to the apostleship.
Prophet Number of apostles ordained Names of the apostles ordained
Joseph Smith, Jr 3 Parley P Pratt, Hyrum Smith, Lyman Wight Brigham Young 16 John Page, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Willard Richards, Amasa Lyman, Ezra T Benson, Charles C Rich, Erastus Snow, Jedediah Grant, Daniel Wells, George Q Cannon, John A Young, Brigham Young Jr, John Young, Joseph F Smith, Albert Carrington John Taylor 4 Moses Thatcher, Francis Lyman, George Teasdale, John W Taylor Wilford Woodruff 3 John Smith, Marriner W Merrill, Abraham O Woodruff Lorenzo Snow 2 Rudger Clawson, Reed Smoot
Joseph F Smith 12 Abraham Cannon, Hyrum M Smith, George A Smith, Charles Penrose, George Richards, Orson F Whitney, David O McKay, Anthony W Ivins, Joseph F Smith, James Talmage, Stephen Richards, Richard Lyman
Heber J Grant 12 Melvin Ballard, John A Widstoe, Joseph Merrill, Charles A Callis, J Reuben Clark, Alonzo Hinckley, Albert Bowen, Sylvester Q Cannon, Harold B Lee, Spencer W Kimball, Ezra T Benson, Mark E Peterson
George Albert Smith 3 Matthew Cowley, Henry D Moyle, Delbert Stapley
David O McKay 10 Marion Romney, LeGrand Richards, Adam Bennion, Richard L Evans, George Morris, Hugh B Brown, Howard W Hunter, Gordon B Hinckley, N Eldon Tanner, Alvin R Dyer
Joseph Fielding Smith 2 Thomas S Monson, Boyd K Packer Harold B Lee 2 Marvin J Ashton, Bruce R McConkie Spencer W Kimball 4 L Tom Perry, David B Haight, James E Faust, Neal A Maxwell Ezra Taft Benson 0 Howard W Hunter 1 Jeffrey R Holland Gordon B Hinckley 8 Russell M Nelson, Dallin Oaks, M Russell Ballard, Robert D Hales, Henry B Eyring, Dieter F Uchtdorf, David Bednar, Quentin L Cook Thomas S Monson 5 Todd Christofferson, Neil Andersen, Ronald A Rasband, Gary E Stevenson, Dale G Renlund Russell M Nelson 3 Gerrit W Gong, Ulisses Soares, Patrick Kearon ---
(Note: As seen above, Brigham Young ordained the greatest number of apostles, followed by Joseph F Smith and Heber J Grant. President Benson is the only President of the Church who did not ordain an apostle to the apostleship.)
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