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missionao (Elder Ochoa ** )

Elder and Sister Adrian Ochoa of the Seventy

Tuesday devotional,  November 6, 2018

  • I had a spiritual experience with the mission presidency earlier this evening.  They are chosen and inspired men.
  • Many of you have doubts and fears, but you also have faith.  Your faith will grow as you serve.  You are needed to help gather Israel.  You will see many choice souls change their hearts.
  • Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge.  The enemies of faith are doubt, fear, excuses, and disbelief.  Are any of these part of your life?  Jonah tried to hide, but the Lord prepared a fish to find him and save him.  He will save you as well.
  • When a mission president, he had an elder that didn’t baptize one person during the first 18 months of his mission.  He was confused, discouraged, and disheartened.  He baptized dozens during his last 6 months.  When asked what had changed, he said, “For the first 18 months, it was all about me.  When I humbled myself and sought souls to bless their lives, things changed.  I learned I was an instrument, not the master.
  • He related the experience of Christ sleeping in the boat during a raging storm, and eventually calming the storm at the request of his disciples.  It is his belief that Christ was not really asleep, but simply waiting for his disciples to call upon Him and His divine powers.  Also, you will be able to calm the storms in people’s hearts.
  • Live by the power of the Atonement every moment of your mission!
  • Keep a journal and let it become your own personal Liahona.
  • Find and memorize scriptures that fortify your faith.
  • Follow the counsel of your leaders, always and completely (3 Nephi 18:20 and Moroni 7:38)
  • Testify to your companion often and write down what you say.  Be a witness.
  • After Peter walked on water and then faltered, Jesus said ‘O ye of little faith’ to him.  Perhaps, rather than being a chastisement, Jesus was saying, “Peter, looked what you did even with the small faith that you currently have.  Can you imagine what greater and more wonderful things lie ahead for you, as your faith develops and blossoms?”
  • Elder Ochoa finished his talk by bearing his testimony and sitting down.  He quickly got back up and said, “The Spirit has prompted me to stand and add something.  I feel uncomfortable with the way things ended.  There is more that needs to be said.  Before you go to bed tonight, ponder and pray to understand that without the power of the Savior, without prayer, without trust in Christ, without humbling yourself to the dust, you cannot and will not have sufficient power to do this miraculous work.  This world in which we now lives calls good evil, and evil good!  Rise up, meet the challenge.  You are beautiful and wonderful, but I feel all of you can get closer to the Lord.  Do it!

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