Survey of Aaronic Priesthood Holders concerning gospel commitment – 1984
In 1984, the Church’s Priesthood Executive Committee and the Evaluation Division of the Correlation Department conducted a survey of Aaronic Priesthood holders concerning their commitment to the gospel and those factors which influence young men to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, go on missions, and marry in the temple. Following are some of the interesting facts drawn from the survey, which appeared in The Ensign, December 1984.
Survey of Aaronic Priesthood Holders - 1984 - Gospel Commitment 1. Young men most likely to serve missions and marry in the temple come from homes where they were either born in the covenant or later sealed to their parents. 2. Young men born in the covenant or later sealed to parents are five times more likely to go on a mission, three times more likely to be ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood, and three times more likely to marry in the temple than young men who are not born in the covenant. 3. The three most important factors which determine the serving of missions and marrying in the temple are: A. The amount and kind of religious practice and observance young men have with parents in the home (FHE, prayer, scripture study) B. A young man's agreement with his parents' religious values C. A young man's personal, private religious experiences 4. In 1981, only 32% of eligible young men went on full-time missions. In that same year, only 35% of LDS young men received their endowment before age 26. 5. Aaronic Priesthood transitions in the U.S. and Canada: A. Of every 100 LDS young men that are baptized- - 76 are ordained deacons - 65 are ordained teachers - 58 are ordained priests - 32 go on missions
6. Impact of a leader's qualities and characteristics on young men:
A. Low impact B. High impact
- Age - Trusted - Education - Admired - Occupation - Respected - Training - Caring - Tenure - Confidante - Scout experience - Good planner & organizer - Program implementor
7. Reasons given by Young Men for good associations with their Aaronic Priesthood advisor:
- We have fun together - We joke and kid around - We have a lot in common - We feel the same way about things - I'm quite a bit like him - I resemble him in many ways - I want to be like him - I respect and admire him - I feel close to him - He really understands me - We have serious discussions - We share spiritual experiences - It helps me to talk to him - I feel I can turn to him - I trust his advice - I like to share things with him
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