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Emeritus General Authorities

The following announcement was made by the First Presidency in General Conference on September 30, 1978:”After a long period of prayerful consideration and counsel, extending, indeed, over several years, we announce a new and specific status to be given from time to time to brethren of our associates in the General Authorities. We announce that some brethren have been designated as emeritus members of the First Quorum of the Seventy. These brethren are not being released but will be excused from active service. It is out of consideration for the personal well-being of the individuals, and with deep appreciation for their devoted service, that this designation will be given from time to time to designated members of the General Authorities.”  All those who have been granted ’emeritus’ status are listed below, listed in order by the time of they became emeritus General Authorities.

           General Authority       Date of emeritus status   Date of death    Age at death
 001. James A. Cullimore            30 Sep 1978          14 Jun 1986         80
 002. Henry D. Taylor               30 Sep 1978          24 Feb 1987         83
 003. S. Dilworth Young             30 Sep 1978          09 Jul 1981         83
 004. Sterling W. Sill              31 Dec 1978          25 May 1984         91
 005. Joseph Anderson               31 Dec 1978          13 Mar 1992        102
 006. William H. Bennett            31 Dec 1978          23 Jul 1980         69
 007. John H. Vandenberg            31 Dec 1978          03 Jun 1992         87
 008. Eldred G. Smith (patriarch)   06 Oct 1979          04 Apr 2013        106
 009. Bernard P. Brockbank          04 Oct 1980          11 Oct 2000         91
 010. O. Leslie Stone               04 Oct 1980          26 Apr 1986         82
 011. William Grant Bangerter       30 Sep 1989          08 Apr 2010         91
 012. Victor L. Brown               30 Sep 1989          26 Mar 1996         81
 013. Theodore M. Burton            30 Sep 1989          22 Dec 1989         82
 014. Royden G. Derrick             30 Sep 1989          07 Dec 2009         94
 015. Paul H. Dunn                  30 Sep 1989          09 Jan 1998         73
 016. J. Thomas Fyans               30 Sep 1989          18 May 2008         90
 017. Rex C. Reeve                  30 Sep 1989          18 Jul 2005         90
 018. Robert L. Simpson             01 Oct 1989          15 Apr 2003         87
 019. Helio da Rocha Camargo        01 Oct 1990          19 Jul 2024         98
 020. Francis M. Gibbons            02 Oct 1991          16 Jul 2016         95
 021. Robert L. Backman             03 Oct 1992          03 Jun 2022        100
 022. Marion D. Hanks               03 Oct 1992          05 Aug 2011         89
 023. Lynn A. Sorensen              03 Oct 1992          04 Jan 2017         97
 024. Jacob de Jager                02 Oct 1993          25 Feb 2004         81
 025. Adney Y. Komatsu              02 Oct 1993          23 Feb 2011         87
 026. H. Burke Peterson             02 Oct 1993          14 Apr 2013         89
 027. Hartman Rector, Jr.           01 Oct 1994          06 Nov 2018         94
 028. Ted E. Brewerton              30 Sep 1995          17 Sep 2021         96
 029. Hans B. Ringger               30 Sep 1995          18 Oct 2010         85
 030. Carlos E. Asay                05 Oct 1996          10 Apr 1999         72
 031. W. Mack Lawrence              05 Oct 1996          25 Jun 2018         91
 032. J. Richard Clarke             04 Oct 1997          29 Jun 2022         95
 033. Dean L. Larsen                04 Oct 1997          28 Oct 2019         92
 034. Robert E. Wells               04 Oct 1997            living            --
 035. Jack H. Goaslind              03 Oct 1998          27 Apr 2011         83
 036. W. Eugene Hansen              03 Oct 1998          05 Nov 2016         88
 037. James M. Paramore             03 Oct 1998          17 Mar 2022         93
 038. Ronald E. Poelman             03 Oct 1998          19 Nov 2011         83
 039. Joe J. Christensen            02 Oct 1999          13 May 2021         91
 040. Andrew W. Peterson            02 Oct 1999          31 Dec 2003         56
 041. F. Enzio Busche               07 Oct 2000          28 May 2020         90
 042. Loren C. Dunn                 07 Oct 2000          16 May 2001         70
 043. James O. Mason                07 Oct 2000          09 Oct 2019         89
 044. Alexander B. Morrison         07 Oct 2000          12 Feb 2018         87
 045. John K. Carmack               06 Oct 2001            living            --
 046. Richard E. Cook               06 Oct 2001          01 May 2024         93
 047. Vaughn J. Featherstone        06 Oct 2001          12 May 2018         87
 048. L. Lionel Kendrick            06 Oct 2001          22 Aug 2022         90
 049. Rex D. Pinegar                06 Oct 2001          24 Jun 2021         89
 050. L. Aldin Porter               06 Oct 2001          29 Jun 2020         88
 051. Benjamin B. Banks             05 Oct 2002            living            --
 052. Cree-L Kofford                05 Oct 2003            living            --
 053. Angel Abrea                   05 Oct 2003          13 Feb 2021         87
 054. William R. Bradford           05 Oct 2003          24 Jan 2019         85
 055. Duane B. Gerrard              06 Oct 2003          24 May 2020         82
 056. E. Ray Bateman                09 Oct 2004          12 Sep 2023         85
 057. Gordon T. Watts               09 Oct 2004          12 Jun 2020         82
 058. Darwin B. Christenson         01 Oct 2005          08 Nov 2022         87
 059. John H. Groberg               01 Oct 2005            living            --
 060. David E. Sorenson             01 Oct 2005            living            --
 061. F. Melvin Howard              01 Oct 2005            living            --
 062. Harold G. Hillam              01 Oct 2005          27 Mar 2012         77
 063. F. Burton Howard              01 Oct 2005            living            --
 064. H. Bryan Richards             02 Oct 2006          10 Oct 2020         86
 065. H. Bruce Stucki               02 Oct 2006          29 May 2019         81
 066. William Rolfe Kerr            06 Oct 2007            living            --
 067. Merrill J. Bateman            06 Oct 2007            living            --
 068. Robert K. Dellenbach          06 Oct 2007            living            --
 069. Monte J. Brough               06 Oct 2007          20 Sep 2011         72
 070. Gene R. Cook                  06 Oct 2007            living            --
 071. H. Ross Workman               06 Oct 2007          22 Sep 2024         83
 072. Earl C. Tingey                04 Oct 2008            living            --
 073. Sheldon F. Child              04 Oct 2008            living            --
 074. Lynn A Mickelsen              04 Oct 2009            living            --
 075. Charles Didier                04 Oct 2009            living            --
 076. John M. Madsen                04 Oct 2009            living            --
 077. Dennis Neuenschwander         04 Oct 2009            living            --
 078. Spencer J. Condie             02 Oct 2010            living            --
 079. Bruce C. Hafen                02 Oct 2010            living            --
 080. Kenneth Johnson               02 Oct 2010            living            --
 081. Glenn L. Pace                 02 Oct 2010          16 May 2016         77
 082. Lance B. Wickman              02 Oct 2010            living            --
 083. Richard G. Hinckley           01 Oct 2011            living            --
 084. Yoshihiko Kikuchi             01 Oct 2011            living            --
 085. Cecil O. Samuelson            01 Oct 2011            living            --
 086. Gary J. Coleman               01 Oct 2011            living            --
 087. Carl B. Pratt                 01 Oct 2011            living            --
 088. H. David Burton               31 Mar 2012            living            --
 089. Richard C. Edgley             31 Mar 2012            living            --
 090. Keith B. McMullin             31 Mar 2012            living            --
 091. Jay E. Jensen                 06 Oct 2012            living            --
 092. Keith K. Hilbig               06 Oct 2012            living            --
 093. Marlin K. Jensen              06 Oct 2012            living            --
 094. Octaviano Tenorio             06 Oct 2012          20 Oct 2021         86
 095. John B. Dickson               05 Oct 2013            living            --
 096. Paul E. Koelliker             05 Oct 2013          07 Dec 2022         79
 097. F. Michael Watson             05 Oct 2013            living            --
 098. Carlos H. Amado               04 Oct 2014            living            --
 099. William R. Walker             04 Oct 2014            living            --
 100. Don R. Clarke                 05 Oct 2015            living            --
 101. Koichi Aoyagi                 05 Oct 2015            living            --
 102. Bruce A. Carlson              05 Oct 2015            living            --
 103. Daniel L. Johnson             01 Oct 2016            living            --
 104. Jairo Mazzagardi              01 Oct 2016            living            --
 105. Kent F. Richards              01 Oct 2016            living            --
 106. Francisco J. Vinas            01 Oct 2016            living            --
 107. Stanley G. Ellis              03 Oct 2017            living            --
 108. W. Craig Zwick                03 Oct 2017            living            --
 109. Larry R. Lawrence             03 Oct 2017            living            --
 110. Glen L. Rudd                  05 Oct 2015          30 Dec 2016         98
 111. Rulon G. Craven               05 Oct 2015          06 Feb 2017         92
 112. Ronald T. Halverson           05 Oct 2015          24 Feb 2017         80
 113. Craig A. Cardon               06 Oct 2018            living            --
 114. Larry J. Echo Hawk            06 Oct 2018            living            --
 115. C. Scott Grow                 06 Oct 2018            living            --
 116. Allan F. Packer               06 Oct 2018            living            --
 117. Gregory A. Schwitzer          06 Oct 2018            living            --
 118. Claudio D. Zivic              06 Oct 2018            living            --
 119. Wilford W. Andersen           05 Oct 2019            living            --
 120. Kim B. Clark                  05 Oct 2019            living            --
 121. Lawrence E. Corbridge         05 Oct 2019            living            --
 122. Claudio R. M. Costa           05 Oct 2019            living            --
 123. Bradley D. Foster             05 Oct 2019            living            --
 124. O. Vincent Haleck             05 Oct 2019            living            --
 125. Donald L. Hallstrom           05 Oct 2019            living            --
 126. Steven E. Snow                05 Oct 2019            living            --
 127. Larry Y. Wilson               05 Oct 2019            living            --
 128. L. Whitney Clayton            03 Oct 2020            living            --
 129. Enrique R. Falabella          03 Oct 2020            living            --
 130. Richard J. Maynes             03 Oct 2020            living            --
 131. Timothy J. Dyches             02 Oct 2021            living            --
 132. Terence M. Vinson             02 Oct 2021            living            --
 133. James B. Martino              02 Oct 2021            living            --
 134. J. Devn Cornish               02 Oct 2021            living            --
 135. David F. Evans                02 Oct 2021            living            --
 136. Robert C. Gay                 02 Oct 2021            living            --
 137. Weatherford T. Clayton        01 Oct 2022            living            --
 138. LeGrand R. Curtis, Jr.        01 Oct 2022            living            --
 139. Randy D. Funk                 01 Oct 2022            living            --
 140. Christoffel Golden, Jr.       01 Oct 2022            living            --
 141. Walter F. Gonzalez            01 Oct 2022            living            --
 142. Larry S. Kacher               01 Oct 2022            living            --
 143. Lynn G. Robbins               01 Oct 2022            living            --
 144. Joseph W. Sitati              01 Oct 2022            living            --
 145. Kazuhiko Yamashita            01 Oct 2023            living            --
 146. Juan Uceda                    01 Oct 2023            living            --
 147. Benjamin de Hoyas             01 Oct 2023            living            --
 148. Ian S. Ardern                 01 Aug 2024            living            --
 149. Shayne M. Bowen               01 Aug 2024            living            --
 150. Paul V. Johnson               01 Aug 2024            living            --
 151. S. Gifford Nielsen            01 Aug 2024            living            --
 152. Brent H. Nielson              01 Aug 2024            living            --
 153. Adriàn Ochoa                  01 Aug 2024            living            --
 154. Gary B. Sabin                 01 Aug 2024            living            --
 155. Evan A. Schmutz               01 Aug 2024            living            --

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