Menu Page for miscellaneous General Authority information
Click on the underlined phrase of the desired table, chart, or information.
- Average ages of all First Presidencies and Quorums of the Twelve, from 1833 to the present, calculated yearly
- General Authorities who have lived the longest
- General Authorities who have served the longest
- General Authorities called at a young age
- General Authorities who were oldest at the time of their call
- General Authorities married to relatives of other General Authorities
- General Authorities who served as a mission president AND a general authority concurrently
- Differences in titles and callings of general authorities explained
- A page of General Authority “averages”
- Emeritus General Authorities
- Assistants to the Twelve
- Presiding Bishops
- Church Patriarchs
- Area Presidencies, with an emphasis on Brazil
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