Mosiah 26
606. (H-M) Which of the following describe the ‘rising generation’ in the time of king Mosiah?
. A. There were many that could not understand the words of king Benjamin
. B. They were little children at the time that king Benjamin spoke to his people
. C. They did not believe the traditions of their fathers
. D. They did not believe in what was said concerning the resurrection of the dead
. E. They did not believe in the coming of Christ
. F. All of the above
. Answer: F (Mosiah 26:1-2)
607. (H-M) All of the following statements concerning the ‘rising generation’ in the time of king Mosiah are true EXCEPT:
A. Because of their unbelief they could not understand the word of God
B. Their hearts were hardened
C. Their unbelief was a result of negligence on the part of their parents, not having been properly instructed by their parents
D. They would not be baptized nor would they join the church of God
E. They were a separate people as to their faith
F. They remained in a carnal and sinful state
. Answer: C (Mosiah 26:3-4)
608. (H-M) Which of the following describe the ‘rising generation’ in the time of king Mosiah?
A. They would not call upon the Lord their God|
B. They were not even half as numerous as the people of God
C. They became more numerous because of dissensions among the brethren of God
D. They deceived many members of the church with their flattering words
E. They caused members of the church to commit many sins
F. All of the above
Answer: F (Mosiah 26:4-6)
609. (H-M) How did the church deal with those church members who committed sin in king Mosiah’s time?
A. The church excommunicated those who sinned
B. The church admonished those who sinned
C. The church exiled those who sinned
D. The church ignored those who sinned
E. The church withheld their fellowship from those who sinned
Answer: B (Mosiah 26:6)
610. (H-E) Which of the following statements are true concerning church members who sinned in Mosiah’s time?
A. They were brought by the teachers to the priests
B. They were brought by the priests to stand before Alma the high priest
C. They were brought by Alma to appear before king Mosiah
D. Many people came forward to testify concerning the abundant sins of these people
E. The church had not dealt with a problem of this nature before
F. All of the statements are true
Answer: F (Mosiah 26:7-10)
611. (H-E) When Alma brought sinners before king Mosiah, he (Alma) said all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Here are many people whom we have brought before thee, being accused by their brethren of sin
B. These people have committed ‘divers’ iniquities
C. They are unwilling to repent of their iniquities
D. They have mocked us by saying, ‘Let he who is without sin among you first cast a stone at us’
E. We have brought them before you so that you can judge them according to their crimes . Answer: D (Mosiah 26:11)
612. (H-E) What was king Mosiah’s response when Alma brought some unrepentant sinners before him to be judged?
A. We will present these people before the chief judges to be judged of their crimes and sins
B. I find no sin in these people
C. I have no authority in these matters
D. I judge them not; I deliver them into thy hands to be judged
E. Go thy ways and sin no more
Answer: D (Mosiah 26:12)
613. (H-M) All of the following statements describe the actions of Alma when king Mosiah sent back the unrepentant sinners to be judged of Alma EXCEPT:
A. Alma went up into a high mountain, fasting and praying for many days concerning the matter
B. The spirit of Alma was again troubled
C. Alma inquired of the Lord what he should do in this matter
D. Alma feared that he might do the wrong thing in the sight of the Lord
E. Alma poured out his whole soul to God
Answer: A (Mosiah 26:13-14)
614. (D-E) In answer to Alma’s prayer for guidance concerning the unrepentant sinners, the Lord said all of the following to Alma EXCEPT:
A. Blessed are thou, Alma
B. Blessed are those who were baptized in the waters of Mormon
C. I have received Abinadi into my bosom, and his calling and election is made sure
D. Thou are blessed because of thy exceeding faith in the words of my servant Abinadi
E. Blessed are those who had exceeding faith in the words which thou hast spoken unto them
F. Blessed art thou because thou hast established a church among this people
Answer: C (Mosiah 26:15-17)
615. (D-M) In answer to Alma’s prayer for guidance concerning the unrepentant sinners, the Lord said all of the following to Alma EXCEPT:
A. This people shall be established, and they shall be my people
B. Blessed is this people who are willing to bear my name
C. Blessed is this people who are willing to cast out devils in my name
D. In my name shall this people be called, and they are mine
E. Thou are blessed, Alma, because thou hast inquired of me concerning the transgressors
F. Thou art my servant, Alma, and I covenant with thee that thou shalt have eternal life
Answer: C (Mosiah 26:17-20)
616. (D-E) In answer to Alma’s prayer for guidance concerning the unrepentant sinners, the Lord said all of the following to Alma EXCEPT:
A. Thou shalt serve me and go forth in my name, and shalt gather together my goats
B. He that wilt hear my voice shall be my sheep
C. He that will hear my voice shall be received into the church, and him will I also receive
D. This is my church, and he that is baptized shall be baptized unto repentance
E. Whomsoever ye receive shall believe in my name and him will I freely forgive
F. I take upon myself the sins of the world
Answer: A (Mosiah 26:20-23)
617. (D-M) In answer to Alma’s prayer for guidance concerning the unrepentant sinners, the Lord said all of the following to Alma EXCEPT:
A. It is I that grant unto him that believeth unto the end a place at my right hand
B. In my name are the believers called, and if they know me they shall come forth and have an eternal place at my right hand
C. Those that never knew me will come forth when the second trumpet sounds, and they will stand before me
D. At the third trump, the transgressors will knew that I am the Lord their God, that I am their Redeemer, and that they would not be redeemed
E. I will confess unto the transgressors that I never knew them, and they shall depart into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels
F. He that will not hear my voice will not be received into my church, nor will I receive him at the last day
Answer: D (Mosiah 26:23-28)
618. (D-M) In answer to Alma’s prayer for guidance concerning the unrepentant sinners, the Lord said all of the following to Alma EXCEPT:
A. Whosoever transgresseth against me, him shall ye judge according to the sins which he has committed
B. If the transgressor confesses his sins before his family and me and repents in the sincerity of his heart, him shall ye forgive, and I shall forgive him
C. As often as my people repent will I forgive them their trespasses against me
D. Ye shall forgive one another your trespasses
E. He that forgives not his neighbor’s trespasses when he says that he repents, the same hath brought himself under condemnation
F. Whosoever will not repent of his sins, the same shall not be numbered among my people
Answer: B (Mosiah 26:29-32)
619. (H-M) After hearing the words of the Lord in answer to his prayers, Alma did all of the following EXCEPT:
A. He wrote down the words that he had heard from the Lord
B. He used the words of the Lord to judge the people of the church according to the commandments of God
C. Whosoever repented of his sins and confessed them, Alma numbered among the people of the church
D. He blotted out the names of those who would not repent of their sins nor confess them
E. He publicly exposed all unrepentant sinners
Answer: E (Mosiah 26:34-36)
620. (H-M) Which of the following statements accurately describes the state of the church after the names of sinners were blotted out?
A. Alma regulated the affairs of the church
B. The believers began once again to have peace and to prosper exceedingly in the affairs of the church
C. The believers walked circumspectly before God
D. The church received many and baptized many
E. All of the above are accurate
Answer: E (Mosiah 26:37)
621. (H-E) All of the following statements describe Alma and his fellow laborers in the church EXCEPT:
A. They walked in all diligence
B. They taught the word of God in all things
C. They built a holy stand upon which they offered long prayers of gratitude to the Lord
D. They suffered all manner of afflictions
E. They were persecuted by those who did not belong to the church
Answer: C (Mosiah 26:38)
622. (H-E) All of the following statements describe Alma and his fellow laborers in the church EXCEPT:
A. They admonished their brethren
B. They were admonished by the word of God according to the sins which they had committed
C. They were commanded of God to pray without ceasing
D. They increased their tithes and offerings two-fold
E. They were commanded of God to give thanks in all things
Answer: D (Mosiah 26:39)
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