Diet control and weight
Diet control and weight
- No yesterday and no tomorrow, only today!
- Three meals per day, with NO evening snack
1/ Small breakfast of cereal and fruit
2/ Small lunch of salad or vegies
3/ Average dinner of protein and vegetables
• Are you going to toe the line or cut corners?
• Aerobic exercise three times per week, hiking or jogging
• Remember that my physical status affects my spiritual status
• “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.”
• Will power versus weakness and excuses.
• Think of Susan, Anne, and Jane
• FLUSH – fat, lazy, uncomfortable, spiritually depressed, hot
• GLOWS – gain & pain, lose & refuse, own life & strife, win & thin, sacrifice & nice
• SELF – sleep better, eat better, look better, feel better
• RRR – restraint, resolve, results
• CTR – control, tenacity, resolve
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