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names4 (If Utah moms renamed Utah cities ** )

If Utah mothers re-named Utah cities…

If creative Utah mothers renamed Utah cities —

  • Logan would be ‘Lohgyn’
  • Brigham City would be ‘Breegym Citee’
  • Ogden would be ‘Oghdyn’
  • Salt Lake City would be ‘Sault Layke Citee’
  • West Jordan would be ‘Whest Jordynn’
  • Draper would be ‘Draepyr’
  • Alpine would be ‘Alpiyne’
  • Provo would be ‘Prohvoe’
  • Cedar City would be ‘Seedyr Citee’
  • As an additional city name, my daughter met a family with a little girl named ‘Seattul’.  Watch out Washington state, Utah moms are coming your way!

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